Our Proprietary

Energy Optimization Protocol

Energy Mapping

Procurement Analysis

Loss Analysis

Solutions Application



Our Energy Engineers will assess your energy consumption, identify inefficiencies and deliver savings, for no upfront capital.

Description of Terms

Energy Mapping

A complete analysis of your facility detailing where energy is used and how much it costs. With this information we know where best to focus our efforts to optimize savings.

Procurement Analysis

A comprehensive look at how you purchase energy (gas, electric, water, fuel oil, etc.) and how to reduce the unit cost of each energy source. At the completion of our procurement analysis and implementation, you will be procuring your energy at its lowest possible cost.

Loss Analysis

Utilizes our proprietary tools to determine every energy loss point of your facility and what control, design, and maintenance changes must be initiated to optimize performance.

Solutions Application

Applies our experience and innovation to optimize your current system, providing you a sustainable solution which continues to save year after year. We specialize in delivering low to no capital solutions.



Incorporates the U.S. Department of Energy’s tools to confirm the energy cost savings we achieve and to validate savings seen on your energy bills.


The processes and procedures implemented with your team to ensure your equipment performs at peak efficiency over time. We are focused on eliminating your energy losses permanently.

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